Hydrosynchron lifting unit

Mobile hydraulic lifting gear

from Lemacher Hydraulik®

With our Hydrosynchron for hydraulic lifting gear, heavy loads are moved synchronously, easily and safely. Our systems work trouble-free without complex electronic control components, even in challenging assembly applications.

Mobility and wide applicability

Do you want to lift heavy loads quickly, any­where and with­out much ef­fort? Then our Hy­dro­syn­chron sys­tem is the perfect equip­ment for you. The 450 ver­sion of the lift­ing gear can be eas­ily trans­ported in a car. But even the larger mod­els can be trans­ported to any con­struc­tion site with an or­di­nary trans­porter. With the Hy­dro­syn­chron there is no need to set up large ag­gre­gates with com­pli­cated elec­tri­cal con­trol. A fur­ther ad­van­tage is the pos­si­bil­ity of op­er­at­ing our hy­draulic pres­sure unit with­out a power con­nec­tion. The Hy­dro­syn­chron 450/200 can move 4 hy­draulic cylin­ders syn­chro­nously on the most in­ac­ces­si­ble con­struc­tion sites with a cord­less screw­driver alone.
Con­nect the re­quired lift­ing de­vice with hydraulic hoses and you are ready to go!

Synchronous lifting of asymmetrical loads

Even with un­equal load dis­tri­b­u­tion, as can occur when lift­ing top-heavy turn­ing ma­chines, the Hy­dro­syn­chron sys­tem keeps its promise. The basis for this is our in­te­grated lin­ear syn­chro­nised flow di­vider (LGM), which guar­an­tees per­fect syn­chro­nism. The LGM is a hy­dro-me­chan­i­cal unit that op­er­ates with one dos­ing vol­ume and al­lows dif­fer­ent func­tions via a con­trol block. With the chaos mode, each con­nected hy­draulic cylin­der can be moved up to the ob­ject to be lifted and can be placed in dif­fer­ent po­si­tions or heights. After switch­ing to syn­chro­nous op­er­a­tion mode, it will still be moved syn­chro­nously. 

A wide range of designs to meet your needs

The dif­fer­ent ver­sions of our hoists cover dif­fer­ent weight classes. Are there none that meet your re­quire­ments or do you need further or special equip­ment such as cylin­ders, lift­ing de­vices, hoses and cou­plings? Ask us for custom-made de­signs, so we can be sure to offer you the per­fect de­vice for your individual needs.

Our product advantages:

  • Robust and compact design for mobile use 
  • Safe synchronous lifting and lowering even with asymmetrical load distribution
  • Lowering speeds precisely adjustable
  • Synchronous operation without susceptible electronic controls
  • Autarkic drive without power supply only by cordless screwdriver
  • Different starting points can be approached by chaos mode 
  • Versions also available adapted to customer requirements

Application examples:

Wherever heavy loads have to be moved safely and synchronously:

  • Building relocation/ House moving
  • Bridges
  • Heavy transports
  • Power plants
  • Railway and rail technology 
  • Shipyards
  • Mining
  • Machine transport
  • Mechanical engineering 
  • Mounting systems 
  • Pressing tools

Lifting gear models:

Hydrosynchron HSS-450/200 A

Tech­ni­cal data
Drive:                                  cord­less screw­driver with­out
                                            ad­di­tional power sup­ply
Pres­sure range:                 Up to 200 bar
Dosage vol­ume:                 4 x 450cm³
Cylin­der compatability:     sin­gle-act­ing

Reservoir capacity:            3,0 litres

Flow rate:                            1,5 l/min at a speed of 1000 rpm
Ac­ces­sories:                       hy­draulic cylin­der or hy­draulic Lift­ing
                                             equip­ment, hoses and cou­plings
Di­men­sions:                        84 x 31 x 45cm (WxDxH)
Weight:                                50kg

Hydrosynchron 450/200


(The cord­less screw­driver is not in­cluded in the scope of de­liv­ery)

Hydrosynchron HSS-450/300 E

Tech­ni­cal data
Drive:                                    elec­tric motor 230V-50Hz IP55/1,5kW
Pres­sure range:                   Up to 300 bar
Dosage vol­ume:                   4 x 450cm³
Cylin­der compatability:       sin­gle-act­ing

Reservoir capacity:             3,0 litres

Flow rate:                             2,7 l/min at a speed of 1000 rpm
Ac­ces­sories:                        hy­draulic cylin­der or hy­draulic Lift­ing
                                              equip­ment, hoses and cou­plings
Di­men­sions:                         85 x 45 x 64cm (WxDxH)
Weight:                                  91,2 kg

Hydrosynchron 450/300


Hydrosynchron HSS-1000/700 E

Tech­nical data
Drive:                                  elec­tric motor 230V-50Hz IP55/2,2kW
Pres­sure range:                 Up to 700 bar
Dosage vol­ume:                 4 x 1000cm³
Cylin­der compatability:     sin­gle-act­ing

Reservoir capacity:            12,0 litres

FLow rate:                          1,4 l/min at a speed of 1400 rpm
Ac­ces­sories:                      hy­draulic cylin­der or hy­draulic Lift­ing

                                             equip­ment, hoses and cou­plings
Di­men­sions:                       92 x 74 x 86cm (WxDxH)

Weight:                               312,5 kg

Mobil hydraulik lifting unit Hydrosynchron


Hydrosynchron HSS-1000/700 A

Tech­ni­cal data
Drive:                                    Bat­tery or hand pump

Pres­sure range:                   Up to 700bar

Dosage vol­ume:                   4 x1000cm³

Cylin­der compatability:       sin­gle-act­ing

Reservoir capacity:              12,0 litres

Ac­ces­sories:                        hy­draulik cylin­der or hy­draulic Lift­ing

                                              equip­ment, hoses and cou­plings

Di­men­sions:                         92 x 74 x 86 cm (BxTxH)

Weight:                                  289,5 kg

Mobil synchronic hydraulic lifting gear


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